
IADLEST Training Standards: What Consititutes Good Training?

IADLEST maintains national training standards through the National Certification Program (NCP) and also publishes the Model Minimum Standards outlining POST and Academy recommendations to improve law enforcement training development and delivery at the State and local level.

Best Practices in Training Design and Delivery

Law Enforcement Fatality Report

The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, in partnership with the United States Department of Justice's Office of Community Policing Services (COPS), has released Making it Safer: An Analysis of U.S. Law Enforcement Fatalities Between 2010-2016 a report that contains data-driven analysis of line-of-duty deaths across an array of circumstances. The primary purpose of this report is to provide an in-depth analysis of the types of calls for police service that resulted in a law enforcement fatality, identify any emerging patterns or trends and offer recommendations which will reduce future fatalities.

Model policy on Use of Force. Titled “National Consensus Policy on Use of Force”.

Police Mental Health Toolkit:

BJA recently launched the Police-Mental Health Collaboration (PMHC) Toolkit. The PMHC Toolkit was developed in partnership with The Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center and gathers best practices and resources to help law enforcement agencies partner with mental health providers to respond appropriately and safely to people with mental illnesses.

The Bureau of Justice Assistance has a resource guide for increasing community trust, called Resource guide for enhancing community relationships and protecting privacy and constitutional rights. This resource can be found at this link:

Safeguarding Children of Arrested Parents Model Policy

Safeguarding Children of Arrested Parents Video

Law Enforcement Drivers Training Reference Guide

Every police academy knows how critical driver training is to the training curriculum. In an effort to ensure this training has the very best information, the best practices, and the best instructional strategies, the U. S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training (IADLEST) have worked collaboratively to produce the Law Enforcement Driver Training Reference Guide. (2007 edition)

Driver Training Reference Guide

Effects of Electronic Stability Control on the Pursuit Intervention Technique

As electronic stability control systems have been developing, questions have emerged among researchers and practitioners of law enforcement regarding the impact of these technologies on the use of pursuit intervention techniques.

To date, a few formal and informal studies have been conducted to examine the impact of the electronic stability control technology on the Pursuit Intervention Technique (PIT). Some have been conducted using computer modeling of the vehicles and others have utilized physical vehicles and live application of the Pursuit Intervention Technique (PIT). These studies have provided the groundwork for this current study, which is attached, which seeks to further explore the various findings and questions developed from previous work. This study was conducted in collaboration between the Portland Police Bureau Training Division, the Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training, the Lake Oswego Police Department, the Oregon State Police, Marion County Sheriff’s Office, and the Washington County Sheriff’s Office. The study was shared at the ALERT Conference earlier this month and we thought you might find the results of interest and have attached a copy of the study.

Eriks Gabliks, Director Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training/DPSST


Force Science Summary of Research on Pre-Service Training

A new study, three years in the making, is about to be released by the Force Science Institute, documenting startling deficiencies in some current academy instruction and moving us closer to understanding the critical changes that are needed to reform law enforcement training.
Some of the highlights of the study’s distressful findings, as well as potential practical remedies, are presented here.  This is done so with the hope that you may take action to begin the challenging task of effecting changes that will improve the street performance of officers and strengthen support for law enforcement in our communities.

Study on Arrest and Control Techniques

Gender, Sexuality, and 21st Century Policing

The COPS Office has produced a document subtitled: "Protecting the Rights of the LGBTQ+ Community."  This document can serve as a guide for your department in developing policies regarding community relations, partnerships and your recruitment and support for LGBTQ+ officers.

The 73-page document includes several model policies for your department to use as guidlines for your own policies.

Improving Relations with the LGBTQ+ Community

Officers' Physical and Mental Health and Safety

The COPS Office in conjuntion with the Bureau of Justice Assistance has published a 40-page report dealing with police issues such as line-of-duty deaths, officer mental health and suicide.

The report identifies emerging issues and offers recommendations for police departments in addressing these issues.

IADLEST was asked to participate in this group effort.  Proposals for education and training are an integral part of the report.

Officer Safety and Wellness Group Meeting Summary