The International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training (IADLEST) is pleased to announce the publication of the latest edition of the IADLEST Reciprocity Handbook.

The IADLEST Reciprocity Handbook is an invaluable resource for academy directors, personnel managers, counselors and students, as well as experienced police officers considering new employment in another state.
The IADLEST Reciprocity Handbook consolidates police officer employment requirements gathered from all 50 state peace officer standards and training organizations (POST Agencies) and the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs.
The comprehensive Handbook includes:
- Reciprocity provisions of states for officers who received training elsewhere.
- Addresses and phone numbers in all 50 states.
- Minimum basic training hours for each state.
The IADLEST Reciprocity Handbook is an invaluable resource for academy directors, personnel managers, counselors and students, as well as experienced police officers considering new employment in another state.
The Handbook is available at $45.00. Current IADLEST members should inquire concerning special pricing.
For additional information, or to purchase the IADLEST Reciprocity Handbook by check contact:
Michael Becar
IADLEST Executive Director
152 S Kestrel Pl., Ste. 102
Eagle, ID 83616
Phone: 208-288-5491
The Reciprocity Handbook can be purchased online by credit card or PayPal by clicking on the following link:
Reciprocity Handbook