Automation A-Z Series

IADLEST, in conjunction with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, is offering, at NO COST, a 3-part training series that focuses on the principles relating to automation strategies for law enforcement analysts.

Analysts will utilize three (3) live sessions and an Analyst Library to learn step-by-step how to automate their statistical processes, improving efficiencies, saving hours, reducing their frustration with repetitive tasks, and creating time for proactive crash and crime analysis.



Analysts will have access to the FIRST LIBRARY OF AUTOMATION RESOURCES!!! This library is a compilation of various self-paced training videos, tools, and templates that every analyst needs. Analysts can develop a professional training roadmap that will give them the basic and intermediate computer application skills needed to perform quality analytics! The library contains training on customizing master analytical databases, identifying top locations and offenders, implement data quality improvements systemically, performing threshold analysis, developing tactical analysis, thinking critically, and so much more! Applications used in this series include MS Access and MS Excel. For access to the complete library, click here:        Library of Automation Resources


The live webinars will start at 11:00 am PST / 2:00 pm EST and will run for one hour. Recordings of the completed webinar will be available for future by using the same Registration link. Overview of the “Automation A-Z” Series:   Automation A-Z Informational Flyer


Session Schedules:


Date 2021 Topic Video Invite More Details View Recordings

July 28th

Session 1: Automating Statistical Reporting in Excel

1-minute Session 1 Details

Session 1 Recording

August 18th Session 2: Master Analytical Databases & Automation in MS-Access 1-minute Session 2 Details Session 2 Recording
Sept. 8th Session 3: Automating Tasks with Macros in Excel and Access 2-minute Session 3 Details Session 3 Recording

Session 1 Details


This session covers linking data into Excel, linking sheets in Excel, linking Excel to other platforms such as Word/PowerPoint, and performing threshold and critical thinking.


Prior to the live session on July 28th, please complete the related training listed below. Then use the threshold template using your agency data. Create a chart in another sheet and link the sheets in Excel. Then add new agency data to the first sheet and watch the charts auto-populate!

Session One Library Lessons

Lesson 1:  Data Analysis Using Microsoft Excel Basic:  Charts, Pivot Tables and Other Displays

  1. Video: Charts Pivot Tables and Other Displays (52 min)

Lesson 2:  Z-Score and Statistical Significance Made Easy in Excel

1. Online course (1 Hour)

Lesson 3:  Intermediate Microsoft Excel:  Threshold Analysis, Critical Thinking with Analysis & Slicers

  1.  New Threshold Spreadsheet
  2. Video:  Threshold, Critical Thinking & Slicers (57 min)
  3.  Student Handout PDF: Threshold, Critical Thinking & Slicers

Lesson 4:  Tactical Analysis: Part 1 - Identification of Patterns and Crash-Prone Locations

  1. Article PDF: Identifying Crime Patterns
  2. Article PDF:  Crime Pattern Definitions for Tactical Analysis (IACA)
  3. Spreadsheet Template:  Pattern Identification
  4. Video: Identification of Patterns and Crash-Prone Locations  (60 min)
  5. Student Handout PDF: Identification of Patterns and Crash-Prone Locations

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Session 2 Details


This session helps analysts understand how to customize a master analytical database to create the foundation for automated queries and reports.


Prior to the August 18th live session, please complete the related training listed below. Then customize your own analytical database with a story line and other analytical fields relative to your caseload in a master table, develop a minimum of one "stats by year" query, and develop a minimum of one automated report.

Session Two Library Lessons

Lesson 1:  Creating Master Tables

1. Online Course ( 1 Hour)

Lesson 2:  Making Analytics Easier with Expressions

1. Online Course (1 Hour)

Lesson 3:  Customizing Master Crime/Crash Databases & Forms

  1. Video: Customizing Your Master Databases & Forms (60 min)
  2. Student Handout PDF: Customizing Your Master Databases & Forms

Lesson 4:  Mastering Complex Queries

  1. Video:  Mastering Complex Queries  (47 min)
  2. Student Handout PDF: Mastering Complex Queries

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Session 3 Details


This session helps analysts save time by creating and running macros in Excel and Access to automate frequently used tasks.


Prior to the September 8th live session, please complete the related training listed below. Create a minimum of one macro to include data cleaning and analytical formulas in Excel. Create a minimum of one macro in Microsoft Access to include running append queries, Compstat, or similar.

Session Three Library Lessons

Lesson 1: Designing Complex Reporting & Macros

  1. Video: Complex Reporting & Macros (60 min)
  2. Student Handout PDF: Complex Reporting & Macros

Lesson 2: Excel Macros

  1. Video: Excel Macros (6 min)

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