Fraudulent Commercial Drivers Licenses


Improve an officer’s understanding of commercial driver’s licenses, allowing officers to confidently and safely interact with a large truck and motorcoach drivers.

Intended Audience

Law enforcement officers assigned or responsible to enforce traffic laws and regulations.

Delivery Methodology

Suitable for classroom or roll-call training.


Operator error is the number one cause of fatal commercial vehicle crashes. For trucks weighing more than 26,000 pounds, drivers of these vehicles are required to have a commercial driver’s license (CDL) ensuring they have the specialized knowledge and skills to drive these vehicles. One way to ensure our roadways are traveled by only well qualified drivers is for law enforcement officers to stop trucks and buses and review the driver’s CDL.

The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) has developed a video series to improve an officer’s understanding of CDLs, allowing officers to confidently examine a CDL and safely interact with a CMV driver. The video series covers topics such as how to examine the CDL, including its security features, identifying a fraudulent CDL, and officer safety considerations when interacting with a CMV.

IACP Fraudulent CDL Training