Data Driven Strategies and Analytical Training


In keeping with the Texas Department of Transportation's (TxDOT) goal to increase motorists' safety, it is continued pursuit for agency to utilize quality data and analysis to deploy resources through a data-driven operational strategy. This project builds on the success of the Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety 2.0 (DDACTS) model through a Texas- centric Strategic Analysis for Focused Engagement with Results (SAFER): Crime and Crash Reduction Model.

Since the project's inception in October 2015, IADLEST has worked with local, county and state law enforcement agencies ranging in size from 15 members to 2500 from all across the state. The project is multi-faceted with three separate components:
 1)   Agency strategic planning workshops, on-site and remote technical assistance:

This component involves IADLEST and Texas subject matter experts working one on one with law enforcement agencies, conducting 8-hour agency specific strategic planning implementation workshops, and providing 8-hours of on-site focused technical/analytical assistance. Once completed, continued remote technical/analytical support is provided to each of the agencies, all of which is designed to help the department overcome any obstacles that may impede the successful implementation of a data-driven operational crash and crime reduction model.

 For more information go to the Texas - Agency Strategic Planning Workshops page.

2)   Provide free analytical training courses and workshops.

The second component involves providing both in-person and web-based analytical training sessions in the various aspects of data analysis that ate intended for law enforcement personnel assigned to the analytical function in their agency. The goal of the training is for agencies to learn how to best develop quality data and then utilize it while developing an operational plan that includes effective positive law enforcement contacts and high visibility enforcement strategies.

Training is delivered in both In-Person classroom and Virtual On-Line formats.

For more information go to:

Analytical Virtual On-Line Training

Analytical In-Person Training & Information Resources

Analytical Tools

3)   Building Sustainable Analytical Capacity

IADLEST continues to work with new and previous agencies from around the state and their analytical personnel, assisting them with establishing or expanding analytical capacity. Working to establish an analytical component in an agency involves training personnel assigned to the analytical functions, to include one on one assistance. Building long term sustainability includes IADLEST analytical specialists providing ongoing analytical support, as requested. IADLEST’s level of commitment can be seen through its work with the more than 120 agencies it has assisted since October 2015.
Data-Driven Strategies Works!  See what your colleagues have to say about the project, training and how a nationally recognized data-driven policing model worked for them:  Agency Testimonials!
Any Texas law enforcement agency wishing to take advantage of the opportunities this project offers or to obtain more information, please feel free to contact the Texas- Project Manager, Daniel A. Howard at